The Great Escape theme song

The Great Escape theme song

Автор мелодии: Elmer Bernstein
Yay my first tab!!!

Get a mate to whistle it with u :)

6  7

6  8  8-  7  6-

8-  8-  7  7-  7  7-  6-  6  5

5  5-  6  6  7

6  8  8-  7  6-

8-  8-  7  7- 6  8- 7

4  3  4  5  4-  4  3  1

Have fun and don't forget to bring your harmonica with you everywhere
you go! U never know when the opportunity to play may arise....
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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