The Big Rock Candy Mountain2 (2nd pos) — HARMONICA.RU

The Big Rock Candy Mountain2 (2nd pos)

Автор мелодии: Burl Ives
By: Harry K. McClintock
Burl Ives
Key: C

-3 4 -4  -4   4  -3  4   -4   -4  4
-7 7 -8  -8   7  -7  7   -8   -8  7
On a sum-mer day in the month of May

-34-4 -4 -3”  4   -3   3
-77-8 -8 -6   7   -7   6
A bur-ly bum came hik-ing

 -3  4  -4 -4  4    -3   4  -4  -4  4
 -7  7  -8 -8  7    -7   7  -8  -8  7
Down a shad-y lane thru the sug-ar cane

-3  4   -4  -4  -3”  4  -3   3
-7  7   -8  -8  -6   7  -7   6
He was look-ing for his lik-ing

-3 -3   -3” -3” 4   -3” -3  4  -4
-7 -7   -6  -6  7   -6  -7  7  -8
As he roamed a-long he sang a song

-3 -3   -3” -3  4   -3” -3  -4
-7 -7   -6  -7  7   -6  -7  -8
Of the land of milk and hon-ey

 -3   4 -4  -4   3   -34 -4  -4   4
 -7   7 -8  -8   7   -77 -8  -8   7
Where a bum can stay for man-y’a day

-3  4   -4    -4  -3”4 -3  3
-7  7   -8    -8  -6 7 -7  6
And he won't need an-y mon-ey

-4  4   -3  -3  -3 -3   -3
-8  7   -7  -7  -7 -7   -7
Oh the buzz-in' of the bees 

-4 -4   3  3   3     3
-8 -8   6  6   6     6
in the cig-ar-ette trees

 -4  -4  5  5  6   5    5   -4
 -8  -8  8  8  9   8    8   -8
Near the so-da wa-ter foun-tain

-4 -4   4  4   4     4
-8 -8   7  7   7     7
At the lem-on-ade springs 

 -4    4   -3   -3   -3
 -8    7   -7   -7   -7
where the blue-bird sings

-3  4  -4   -4  -3” 4   -3   3
-7  7  -8   -8  -6  7   -7   6
In the big rock can-dy moun-tain

There's a lake of gin we can both jump in
And the handouts grow on bushes
In the new-mown hay we can sleep all day
And the bars all have free lunches
Where the mail train stops 
and there ain't no cops
And the folks are tender-hearted
Where you never change your socks 
and you never throw rocks
And your hair is never parted

Oh the buzzin' of the bees 
in the cigarette trees
Near the soda water fountain
At the lemonade springs 
where the bluebird sings
On the big rock candy mountain

Oh, a farmer and his son, 
they were on the run
To the hay field they were bounding
Said the bum to the son, 
"Why don't you come
To that big rock candy mountain?"
So the very next day they hiked away,
The mileposts they were counting
But they never arrived at the lemonade tide
On the big rock candy mountain

Oh the buzzin' of the bees 
in the cigarette trees
Near the soda water fountain
At the lemonade springs 
where the bluebird sings
On the big rock candy mountain
Жанр: Детские мелодии
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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