That Tumble Down Shack In Athlone

That Tumble Down Shack In Athlone

Автор мелодии: Sterling Trio
Слова: Richard W. Pascoe 
Музыка: Monte Carlo, Alma Sanders
Тайминг: 6/8

1  -1  2   3  2   -1
Oh! I want to go back 
1   -1   2   3   3     4
to that tum-ble down shack, 
 -3   -4   4   -5  4   -4      4   -4   -3
Where the wild ros-es bloom 'round the door; 
 -3  -4  4  -3  -3  -3
Just to pil-low my head, 
3   -3  -4   3    3   3
in that old trun-dle bed, 
 -2  3  -3  -2 -2   2   -1  1    3 
Just to see my old moth-er once more. 
   1   -1   2      3    2   -1
There's a bright gleam-ing light, 
 1   -1  2   3   3    3
Guid-ing me home to-night, 
 -3  -4   4    -5  4   -4    4  -4   -3
Down the long road of white cob-ble stone; 
 -3  -4   4    -4    4    -5
Down the road that leads back, 
4   -4   3   4   2     3
to that tum-ble down shack, 
2   -2   3   4   6    -5   5  -5   5
To that tum-ble down shack in Ath-lone.

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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