Thank You (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

Thank You (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Dido
* = chromatic button pressed in

-5* -5*   -5*  -5*
My tea's gone cold
+6  -5* +5* -4 -5* -4 +5*
I'm won-dering why_______
-3* -4 -5* +5* -2* +3*
 I got out bed at all
-5* -5* -5*   -5*   +6   +5* -4 -5* +5*
The mor-ning rain clouds up  my win-dow 
-6* -6* +7*  -5* +5* -5*
and  I can't see at  all
-6* -6* -6* -6* +7*  +5*  +5* -4 -5* -4  +5* 
And  ev-en  if   I  could it'-d  all be grey 
-4   +5* -5*  +6 -5* -5* +5* -5*
But your pic-ture on my wall____
-4 -5* +5*  -4  +3*  -4  -5* -4 +5* 
It re-minds me that it's not so bad
+5*  -5* -4 +5* -4
It's not so bad__

-5*  -5*  -5* -5*   +6   +5* 
 I  drank too much last night
-4 +5*  -5*  -4 +5*  
Got___ bills to pay
-3* +5*  -5*  -2*  -5* +3*
My head just feels in pain
-5* -5*   -5* -5* +6     +5*   -4 -5*  -4 +5*
 I missed the bus and there'll be hell to-day
-5*  -6* +7*  -5* +5* -5*
I'm late for work a—gain
-6* -6* -6* -6* +7*  +5*   +5*  -4 -5* -4 +5*
And e--ven  if  I'm there they'-ll all im-ply 
 -4 +5* -5*  +6   -5* +5* -5*
that I might not last the day
+3*  +3* -5* +5* -5* -4 -4  +5*  -5* -4 +5*
And then you call__  me and it's not so bad
-4   -5* -4 +5* 
It's not so bad 

-4  -6* -8 -5*  -4  +5* -5* -4  
And  I____ want to thank__  you 
-2* -2* -2* -2* -5* -5*  -6* -4 +5* -4
for giv-ing me the  best day of my life
-6* -8
-5*  +5* -4 +5* -5* -4
Just to____ be with you 
-2* -2* -2* -2* -2* -4 -5* -6* -6*  +5*
is  hav-ing the best day of my______ life

+5*  -5*  -5*
Push the door
-5*  -5* -5* +5*  -4 +5* -5*  -6*   -5*  +5* -4   +5* -4
I'm home at last and I'm soak-ing through__ and through__
-5*  -5*  -5* -5* -5* -5* +5*
Then you hand-ed  me   a towel 
-6* -6* +7* -5* +5* -5*
and all  I see  is  you
-6* -6* -6* +7* -5* +5*  -5*   +5*
And ev--en  if  my house falls down 
+5* -5*  -5* +5* -4 -4
 I would-n't have a clue
-2* +3* -5*  +5*    -4  +5*
Be-cause___ you're near me 

-6* -8  -5* -4 +5*  -5* -4
 I____ want to thank__  you 
-2* -2* -2* -2* -2* -5*  -5* -6* -4 +5* -4
for giv-ing me  the best day___  of my life

-6* -8  -5* +5* -4 +5* -5* -4
Just___ to____  be___ with you 
-2* -2* -2* -2* -2*  -4  -5* -6* -6* -6* +5*
is  hav-ing the best day____ of  my_____ life
-6* -8 -5*  -4 +5* -5* -4
And  I want to thank__ you 
-2* -2* -2* -2* -2* -5*  -5* -6* -4  +5* -4
for giv-ing me  the best day____ of  my life
-6* -8 -5* +5* -4 +5* -5*  -4
Just__ to____  be____ with you 
-2* -2* -2* -2* -4  -5* -6* -6* -6* +5*
is hav-ing the best day____ of  my life
Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: C

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