

Автор мелодии: Led Zeppelin
By: Jimmy Plant
Led Zeppeln
Key: G

 9  -9   9 -8 -8   -7   -7
Mea-sur-ing a sum-mer's day 
-7 8 -9   8  -8  -8  -7 -7  7   7
I on-ly find it slips a-way to grey 
-7   -7     7    7  -6* -6*
The hours they bring me pain. 

-7* -8  -9  -7* -8   7
Tan-ger-ine Tan-ger-ine 
-8  -8  -8  -9   -8   -7 -8   7
Liv-ing re-flec-tion from a dream; 
-8 -8 -8  -9-8 -7  -7  -8   7
I was her love she was my queen 
-8  -8 -8  -8   -8    -8  -9   -9
And now a thou-sand years be-tween. 

  9   -9   9  -8  -8  -7 -7
Think-ing how it used to be 
  8  -9    8   -8 -8  -7    -7   7     7
Does she still re-mem-ber times like these? 
-7   -7  7  7 -6* -6*
To think of us a-gain? 
And I do. 
|-7…|8-910 -9.|…8-8|9…10|
|-8  -8-89-9~ -8.|.-8-89-9|
|-7 7 ~ -8 -8 |-8-7-7 -88 8|-9…|
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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