

Автор мелодии: Zez Confrey
-1    2    3 -3  -4     -1    2    3 -3  -4
Stum-bling all a-round, Stum-bling all a-round
 -1    2    3 -3  -4   -5  4  -4
Stum-bling all a-round so fun-ny,
 -3    3*   3   -2*   2
Stum-bling here and there, 
 -3    3*  3  -2*   2
stum-bling ev-‘ry-where
-3  3* 3  -2*   2
and I must de-clare

2    3      2   2  -2*  -2*
I stepped right on her toes,
-2*  -3  -2*   -2*  3   3
And when she bumped my nose
3  -4   3   3  -3  -3
I fell and when I rose
-3 4* -3   -5    4   -3  -2*      
I felt a-shamed and told her

 -1     2   3  -3   -4
That’s the lat-est step
 -1     2   3  -3   -4  
That’s the lat-est step
 -1     2   3  -3   -4  -5  4  -4
That’s the lat-est step my hon-ey
-3  3*   3  -2*  2   -3  3*   3  -2*  2
No-tice all the pep, no-tice all the pep
-3  3*   3  -2*  2
No-tice all the pep

-4   -4   -3   4   -1*
She said stop mum-bling
 4    4   4   -4   -1
Tho’ you are stum-bling
-1 2   3   -4 -3  3  -2*  2
I like it just a lit-tle bit
 4* -4 -3   3  -2*   -5   4 -4  -3   3
Just a lit-tle bit, quite a lit-tle bit

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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