star spangled banner

star spangled banner

3 2  1   2   3   4
O-o say can you see,

 6 -5    5     2  -2   3
by the dawn's ear-ly light.

 3   3   6   -5  5   -4 
Who so proud-ly we hailed

-3 -4   4    4       3    2    1
at the twi-light's last gleam-ing,

  3     2      1     2    3      4
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,

   6    -5   5  2   -2   3
Through the per-il-ous fight,

  3   3   6   -5    5   -4
O'er the ram-parts we watched,

 -3  -4  4    4   3    2    1
were so gal-lant-ly stream-ing.

 6   6    6  -6    7    7
And the rock-ets' red glare,

-6    6     -5   6  -6 -6
the bombs burst-ing in air,

 -6     6     -5    5   -4
Gave proof through the night

 -3  -4    4   2    -2    3
that our flag was still there.

3  4    4   4 -4  -3   -3   -3  
O say does th-at star-span-gled 

-6  -7 6 -5 5  5 -4
ban-ne-r  yet wa-ve.

  3   3   4 -5  6 -6    7
O'er the la-nd of the free

 5  -5    6  -6 -5    5
and the home of the brave.
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Для начинающих

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