Star Of Bethlehem (chromatic)

Star Of Bethlehem (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Neil Young
By: Neil Young
Key: F

  3   -3  -3*  -3* -3    3  3
Ain't it hard when you wake up
3  -3   -2  -2
in the morn-ing
 3  -3   -3* -3*
And you find out
-3*    -3   3  3    3   2   -2
that those oth-er days are gone?
-3* -3* -3* -3* -3 -3  -3  -3 -2  -2  -2
All you have is mem-o-ries of hap-pi-ness
-5  -5  6-6 6-6-565-5-3
Lin-ger-in'    on.

 3   -3    -3*  -3*  -3   3   3
All your dreams and your lov-ers
  3   -3   -2  -2 
won't pro-tect you,
  -3   -3* -3* -3* -3
They're on-ly pass-ing
   3     3  3   2  -2
through you in the end.
  -3     -3*  -3*   -3*    -3* -3
They'll leave you stripped of all
 -3   -3  -3  -2  -2
that they can get to,
 4   -5  -5  -5  -5  -5   6    
And wait for you to come back
-6 6-6-565-5-3
a-    gain.
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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