SpongeBob Squarepants — HARMONICA.RU

SpongeBob Squarepants

Are you ready kids?

aye-aye captain

i can´t heeeaaar yoooouuu!

aye-aye captain   ooooooooo.....

-4  -4  5  -4  -3  3

-4  -4  5  -4  -3   

who lives in a pineapple under 

the sea? 

spongebob square pants!

6  6  -6  6  5  4

6  6  -6  6  5

absorbent and yellow and porous 

is he!

spongebob squarepants!

-4  -4  5  -4  -3  3

-4  -4  5  -4  -3 

if nautical nonsense be 

something you wish...

spongebob squarepants!

6  6  -6  6  5  4

6  6  -6  6  5

then drop on the deck and flop 

like a fish!

spongebob squarepants!


6  5  -4  3

spongebob squarepants!

6  5  -4  3

spongebob squarepants!

6  5  -4  3

spongebob squarepants!

6  6  -6  -7  7  7


6  -6  -7  -6  -7  -6     -8  6

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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