Spirit Song

Spirit Song

Автор мелодии: John Wimber, 1979
This is a beautiful hymn from the Methodist Hymnal.  In addition to
the harp tabs below the words, I've put numbers above the words so
you'll know how long to hold each note.

1.5 1   1   1.5  .5  1.5  .5   1   2 
Oh let the Son   of  God  en-fold you,
5   5d  6  6d    6d   6d  6d  6d   4d

.5   .5   1.5 .5  1.5 .5  3
With his Spir-it and His love,
5    5d   6    6  6  6d    4

.5   .5  1.5  .5   1.5   .5  1   1  1   1    4
Let Him fill your heart and sat-is-fy your soul,
4d  5    5d   5d    5d   5d  5d 3d  4  4d   5

1   1   1   1.5 .5    1.5   .5   1    2
Oh let him have the things that hold you,
5   5d  6   6d   6d   6d    6d   6d  4d

.5   .5 1.5  .5  1.5  .5  3
And His Spir-it like   a dove,
5   5d   6   6   6     6d 4

.5   .5   1.5 .5  1  1   1.5  .5   1    1    4
Will de-scend up-on your life and make you whole.
4d    5  5d   5d 5d  5    4d   4d  4    3d   4

4   3   1   4  4    3    1   3    1     4
Je-sus, oh Je-sus, come and fill your lambs,
6d  7d  6d 6   5    5d  6d   6    5d    5

4   3    1  4  4    3    1   3    1    4
Je-sus, oh Je-sus, come and fill your lambs.
6d  7d  6d  6  5    5d   5   4d    4    4

O come and sing this song with gladness,
As your hearts are filled with joy,
Lify your hands in sweet surrender to his name.
O give him all the your tears and sadness,
Give Him all your years of pain,
And you'll enter into life in Jesus' name.
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: D

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