Something to Sing About

Something to Sing About

Автор мелодии: Oscar Brand
5  -5     6      6   -6   6    5  4    7     7   -8  7   -6    -5
I have walked 'cross the sand on the Grand Banks of New-found-land,

  6   6  -6    6   5   4  -4 -4 5  -4
Lazed on the ridge of the Mir-a-mi-chi.

 5    -5   6    6   -6   6   5   4    7     7   -8  7  -6 -5
Seen the waves tear and roar at the stone coast of Lab-ra-dor,

  6      6    -6   6   5   4   -5     5   -4   4
Watched them roll back to the great north-ern sea.

 -7   7  -8  -8  -8  -8  -7  -6  6  8   8   8  8    7
From the Van-cou-ver Is-land to the Al-bert-a High-land,

   5    5    7    7    7   -7   -8 -7 -6  7 7 -6   6
'Cross the prair-ies, the Lakes to On-tar-i-o-'s towers.

 5   -5    6   6   -6    6   5     4     7   7  -8  7 -6  -5
From the sound of Mount Roy-al's chimes out to the Mar-i-times,

 6     6   -6  6    5  4    -5   5   -4  4
Some-thing to sing ab-out, this land of ours.
Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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