Someplace Green

Someplace Green

Автор мелодии: Jimmy Rogers/Rod McKuen
3    4    4   -4  -4     5   5  -5 -5  5  4
The Good Lord made man  then he rested for a 
-4 -3    4
little while
  6    -6   -6    6   5     -4    4 b-3-2     4
Said "Look what I`ve done, ain`t he pretty" then
-4    5    5  -4
he cracked a smile
  6   -6   -6    6     5   -4   4  b-3     4
I`ll watch him grow  I`ll hear him talk, learn
-4   5  -5   -4
to love and fight
-4    4   4   -4  -4   5    5  -5    -5   5
But when he`s had his fill of these I`ll walk
 5    -4    -4    4
him through the night
 4   5   6    -4      3   -3   4      4   5
To Someplace Green  someplace nice  someplace 
  6  -4 -4   4 -3 4    5 6     -6   6  5  -4
that I call Paradise  Growin` green-er in the 
  4     5  6      -4  -4   4  -3   4
rain   waitin`  there for man to claim
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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