Somebody’s Knockin’ (hi & lo)

Somebody’s Knockin’ (hi & lo)

Автор мелодии: Terri Gibbs
SOMEBODY’S KNOCKIN’ diatonic 1st pos.
By: Ed Penney and Jerry Gillespie
Terri Gibbs
Key: Eb

 -3” -3” -3”   4   -3”   -3”  -3”-3”-3”-3”32 
 -6  -6  -6    7   -6     -6  -6 -6 -6-6 65 
Some-bod-y's knock-in', should I let him in

-3”  -3”  -3”  4 -3”   -3”  -3” -3” -3” -3”
 -6   -6  -6   7  -6    -6  -6   -6  -6 -6
Lord it's the dev-il, would you look at him

-3”    4  -3” 4   -3”  3  3  3  2    -3”  
 -6    7  -6  7   -6   6  6  6  5    -6
I've heard a-bout him but I nev-er dreamed

-3”    4   -3”  4   -3”   4   -3”
-6     7   -6   7   -6    7    -6
He'd have blue eyes and blue jeans

-3”   -3” -3”-3”   -3 -3”
-6    -6  -6  -6   -7 -6
Well some-bod-y's talk-in' 

-3”   -3” -3” -3” -3”-3”32
 -6   -6  -6  -6  -6 -665
He's whis-per-ing to  me

-3”   -3” -3”  4  -3”   -3”    -3”   -3”-3”-3”4 
 -6   -6   -6  7  -6     -6     -6   -6  -6-67
Your place or my place, well, which will it be 

-3”  4  -3”    4 -3” -3” -3”   3  3   2   -3”   
-6   7  -6     7  -6 -6   -6   6  6   5    -6
I'm get-tin' weak-er and he's com-in' on strong

-3” 4 -3”    4 -3”  4  -3
-6  7  -6    7  -6  7   -7
But I don't wan-na go wrong

-3” 4   -3”     4   4  -4 -4  -4  -3-3”3
-6  7    -6     7   7  -8 -8  -8  -7-66
He must have tapped my tel-e-phone line

-3” 4   -3”    4
-6  7    -6    7
He must have known 

 4    -4  -4  -4 -3-3*3 3   5
 7    -8  -8  -8 -7-66  6   8
I'm spend-in' my time   a-lone

-3*  4   -3”    4   4   -4  -4 -4 -3-3”3
-6   7    -6    7   7   -8  -8 -8 -7-66
He says we'll have one heav-en-ly night

-3* 4  -3”   4  -3”
-6  7   -6   7   -6
My fev-er's burn-in'

4  4    -4 -4 -4 -3-3”3 3   5
7  7    -8 -8 -8 -7-66  6   8
So he ought-a be right at home

-3” -3” -3”   4   -3”   -3”  -3”-3”-3”-3”32 
 -6  -6  -6    7   -6     -6  -6 -6 -6-6 65 
Some-bod-y's knock-in', should I let him in

-3”  -3”  -3”  4 -3”   -3”  -3” -3” -3” -3”
 -6   -6  -6   7  -6    -6  -6   -6  -6 -6
Lord it's the dev-il, would you look at him

-3”    4  -3” 4   -3”  3  3  3  2    -3”  
 -6    7  -6  7   -6   6  6  6  5    -6
I've heard a-bout him but I nev-er dreamed

-3”    4   -3”  4   -3”   4   -3”
-6     7   -6   7   -6    7    -6
He'd have blue eyes and blue jeans

-3” 4   -3”     4   4  -4 -4  -4  -3-3”3
-6  7    -6     7   7  -8 -8  -8  -7-66
He must have tapped my tel-e-phone line

-3” 4   -3”    4
-6  7    -6    7
He must have known 

 4    -4  -4  -4 -3-3*3 3   5
 7    -8  -8  -8 -7-66  6   8
I'm spend-in' my time   a-lone

-3*  4   -3”    4   4   -4  -4 -4 -3-3”3
-6   7    -6    7   7   -8  -8 -8 -7-66
He says we'll have one heav-en-ly night

-3* 4  -3”   4  -3”
-6  7   -6   7   -6
My fev-er's burn-in'

4  4    -4 -4 -4 -3-3”3 3   5
7  7    -8 -8 -8 -7-66  6   8
So he ought-a be right at home

-3”  -3” -3”   4  -3”
 -6  -6  -6    7   -6
Some-bod-y's knock-in'

-3”  -3” -3”   4  -3” 
 -6  -6  -6    7   -6
Some-bod-y's knock-in'

5    5    5  -3”  -3”  5
8    8    8  -6   -6   8
Oh, Some-bod-y's knock-in'
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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