Singing My Song

Singing My Song

Автор мелодии: Tammy Wynette
By: Tammy Wynette, Billy Sherril, Glenn Sutton
Key: A

  -3  -3  -3 -3  3*  -3  -4
Here's a song I love to sing 
 -4 -4  -4   4* -3   -2*  -3   -3  4*
it's a-bout the man that wears my ring
-6* -6*-6*   6    -5    5*  5* 5* -4 -3
And ev-en though he's tempt-ed he knows 
 -4   4*   -4   -3  3*  -2* 3*  -3  -4
I'll make sure that he gets ev-‘ry-thing
   -3   -3   -3   -3  -3   3*  -3   -4
‘Cause when he's cold he knows I'm warm 
-4 -4  -3  -3  -3 -3  4*
and I warm him in my arms
-6*  -6*  -6*  6  5* 5* 5*   5* -4-3
And when he's sad oh I make him glad 
-4  -4  -3   3*   3*  4*   4*  -3
and I'm his shel-ter from the storm
 4*  6   -7   -7  -7  -7    7*  -6*   6
I'm his song when he feels like sing-ing 
 6  6  -6*   -6* -6*  6    5*    5*  -4
and I swing when he feels like swing-ing
-7  -7   -7   7* -7 -8  -7     -7
I don't know what I do that's right 
-7  -7  -7    7*  -7   8*  -8  -8
but it makes him come home at night
 8*  8*   8*   -7 -7 -8-7  8*
And when he's home I make sure 
 8*   8* -8 8*-88*-8-7
he's nev-er a-  lone
-7   -8    8* -8  8*   -9   8* 8* -8-7
And that's why I keep sing-ing my song

Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: A

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