Rocky Top in Cross Harp

Rocky Top in Cross Harp

Rocky Top   in CROSS HARP 
interpretation by Jim Rumbaugh 2008

high end (no bends ) 
[low end version with bends is below ]

 -8  -8  -8 -8  8   8   -8 -7  6  
Wish that I was on ol' Rock-y-Top,

6    6   6  -6  6   -6  -7
Down in the Ten-nes-see hills;

-8   -8  -8  -8  8     8  -8  -7  6  
Ain't no smog-gy smoke on Rock-y Top;

 6    6  -6  6 -6    6
Ain't no tel-e-phone bills;

-8  -8 -8 -8  8   8  -8  -7 6  
Once I had a girl on Rock-y Top;

6    6     6   -6  6  -6  -7
Half bear, the oth-er half cat;

-8   -8 -8 -8   -8   8    8  -8 -7 6  
Wild as a mink, but sweet as so-da pop,

6  6    -6    6 -6   6
I still dream a-bout that;

8    8  8   8     -8   -8  -8  
Rock-y Top, you'll al-ways be 

-9   -9   -9  8  -8  8
home sweet ho-me to me;

8    8   -8  -7  6     
Good ol' Rock-y Top; 

6   6  6    -6  -6  -7
Rock-y Top, Ten-nes-see;

6    6  6   -6  -6  6
Rock-y Top, Ten-nes-see.

Rocky Top   in Cross Harp 
LOW end, 
3" means bent down 1 step

 -4  -4  -4 -4  5   5  -4  -3  3  
Wish that I was on ol' Rock-y-Top,

3    3   3   3"  3   3"  -3
Down in the Ten-nes-see hills;

-4   -4   -4 -4  5     5   -4 -3  3  
Ain't no smog-gy smoke on Rock-y Top;

 3    3  3"  3  3"    3
Ain't no tel-e-phone bills;

-4  -4 -4 -4  5   5  -4  -3 3  
Once I had a girl on Rock-y Top;

3    3     3   3'' 3  3''  -3
Half bear, the oth-er half cat;

-4   -4 -4 -4   -4  5     5  -4 -3  3  
Wild as a mink, but sweet as so-da pop,

3  3    3''   3  3''  3
I still dream a-bout that;

5    5  5   5     -4  -4  -4  
Rock-y Top, you'll al-ways be 

-6   -6    -6 5  -4 5
home sweet ho-me to me;

5    5   -4  -3  3     
Good ol' Rock-y Top; 

3    3  3   3"  3"  -3
Rock-y Top, Ten-nes-see;

3    3  3   3"  3"   3
Rock-y Top, Ten-nes-see.
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Средняя

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