Roaming In The Gloaming

Roaming In The Gloaming

Автор мелодии: Harry Lauder
-8 7    -6 -6   6  -5   -5  6  -6-6   -5   -4  4
Roamin' in the gloamin' on the bonny banks o' Clyde
 -5-5   -5 -5   -8 7     -7   7  -8 6  6 -6   6
Roamin' in the gloamin' with my lassie by my side
  7   7  -8   7   7  -6  -5
When the sun has gone to rest
  6    -6   7   -7  6   -4
That's the time we love best
 5    5    -4 4   5 -8    7 -6   6  -5
Ach, it's lovely roamin' in the gloamin'

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Кельтские
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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