Raining in My Heart (Slim Harpo-blues) — HARMONICA.RU

Raining in My Heart (Slim Harpo-blues)

Автор мелодии: Slim Harpo
Melody with G Harp, Harmonica parts with C Harp.

6 -4 -3 -3” -2  4
6 -4 -1 -2’ -1 -2
-2” -2 -2 -2 -2” -2 -3’
-3’ -4’ -3’ -1 -2’ -1 -2
(Or something like that)  ;)

 8    8  -8 7  -6 -5  
Rain-in' in my heart

  8     8    -8  7  6 -6 6
Since we've been a-  part

7   7 -7  7  -8 -5
I know I was wrong

-8 8     6     -8   7
Ba-by, please come home

 8  -8  7   -6 -5
You got me cry-in'

  8   8   -8  8  -9 7
'Bout to lose my mind

 -6    7  7   7  7  -8 6
Don't let me cry in vain

 8  8   7    -6   8   7  7
Try my love just once a-gain

Harmonica as above.
(Or something like it.)  ;)

Honey, I need your love
Darlin', you know why
If you would come back home
They'll be no need for me to cry

Raining in my heart
Since we been apart
I know I was wrong
Baby, please come home.
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: G

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