Puttin’ On The Ritz (Chromatic)

Puttin’ On The Ritz (Chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Irving Berlin
By Irving Berlin
Key: Ab

-2   3*    4
If you're blue
1   -2   3*    4    1    -2 3*  4
And you don't know where to go to
1    -2   3*  4    1    -2   3   -3* 
Why don't you go where fash-ion sits
4   -3*  3*  3   -2
Put-tin' on the Ritz

-2     3*    4    1   -2 3*  4   1
Diff-‘rent types who wear a day-coat
-2     3*    4      1  -2  3* 4   1
Pants with stripes and cut-a-way coat
2     3   -3*    4  -3*  3*  3   -2  
Per-fect fits.  Put-tin' on the Ritz
-3*     4  4* -5* -6-5* 4* 4  -3*-3*  
Stroll-in’ up the a-ve-nue so hap-py
3*    -3*   4   4*   -5*
All dressed up just like 
4*  4   -3*  3*   3*  3* 3*  3*  3
An Eng-lish chap-pie, ver-y snap-py

-2     3*    4    1    -2  3* 4   1
Come, let's mix where Rock-e-fel-lers
-2    3*    4    1   -2 3*  4   1
Walk with sticks or "um-ber-el-las"
2    3    -3*     4  -3*  3*  3   -2
In their mitts.  Put-tin' on the Ritz
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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