Pretend (chromatic)

Pretend (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Nat King Cole
By: Lew Douglas, Cliff Parman, Frank Lavere
Nat King Cole
Key: C

 1   2     3     4  -3  -4    3     2
Pre-tend you're hap-py when you're blue 
1  2   3   4 -3  -4  3  -2
It is-n't ver-y hard to do. 
-1    -2    -3  -5  -4  4    -3  -4  -5 -3
And you'll find hap-pi-ness with-out an end 
 3   -4 -5 -3  -4   2
When-ev-er you pre-tend. 

1   2   3  4 -3 -4   3    2
Re-mem-ber an-y-one can dream 
 1   2     3    4  -3 -4  3   -2
And noth-ing's bad as it may seem. 
-1  -2  -3    -5   -4   4   -3  -4
The lit-tle things you have-n't got 
 -5   -3 3 -4  -5  -3    3   4
Could be a lot if you’d pre-tend. 

 6      -5  5  6   -5   5   -4
You'll find a love you can share 
-5   5  -4   -5   5   -4  -3
One you can call all your own. 
 4    -4    -3   4      -4   -3  -4
Just close your eyes, she'll be there. 
  -3   -4  4  -4 -3 -4
You'll nev-er be a-lone. 

 1  2   3   4    -3  -4  3  2
And if you sing this mel-o-dy 
  1    2   3   4   -3   -4   3   -2
You'll be pre-tend-ing just like me. 
-1   -2   -3  -5
The world is mine, 
-4  4  -3  -4    -5   -3
it can be yours, my friend, 
3  -4   -5   -3   3   4
So why don't you pre-tend.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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