Penny Lane — Part II

Penny Lane — Part II

Автор мелодии: Lennon / McCartney
7  -8  8 7  -8
she is an-y-way.
 7  -8   8   -8  7   -7    7    -7  -6 6
Pen-ny Lane: the bar-ber shaves an-oth-er 
 -6  6  -5  6   7  -8   8   -8  7   -7
cus-tom-er, we see the bank-er sit-ting
 7    6   -6 7  -7
wait-ing for a trim.
   7     -8   -8   7   7   -8  8
And-then the fire-man rush-es in,
  7  -8    8   7   -8   -8 -6   7
from the pour-ing rain, ve-y strange!
 -8 8   -9   8 -8  8  -9    8  -8  7  -7
Pen-ny Lane is in my ears, and in my eyes,
 -9    8  -8    8   -9   8  -8  7   -7   7  -8
there be-neath the blue sub-ur-ban skies I sit.
 8   -8   -7    6     8  -9  9   -9  8 -9  9
And mean-while back, Pen-ny Lane is in my ears,
 -9  8 -8   7     9   -9   8   -9    9   
and in my eyes, there be-neath the blue 
-9   8  -8   7
sub-ur-ban skies.
 9  8  9  8
Pen-ny Lane
Жанр: Рок
Сложность: Средняя

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