Peace Of Mind

Peace Of Mind

Автор мелодии: Neil Young
By: Neil Young
Key: A

 6    6  6   5*  -4  -4    5*   5*
You know it takes a long, long time
 6    6  6   5*  -4  -4    5*   5*
You know it takes a long, long time
 5*  5*  -5  -5 -2*   -5   5* 5*-4
You love her so and still you know
  2   6   6    5* -5  -5
That you will nev-er want 
-5 -55* -3 5*-4
to let her  go
2    6   6    5*   5*   -5
Un-less you leave her first
 5*  -4   -3    4* -5 -55*-4
Then you come "out on  top"
 2     6      6     5*   5* -55*-4-3
But, still there's just one  thing
 4*  -4  -3  4*-4 -4   4*  4*
You have-n't got peace of mind
 4*   4*   4*   -4  -4 -4   4*
Like when you treat-ed her kind
 4*   4*  -5  -5   5* -4 -3   4*-4
It's hard to face that o-pen space
  4     4   -4  -3    -4  4*  4*
You're look-in' for peace of mind
-4 4*  4*  -4  -3  4*-4
An-y-where you can find
  4     4    -4  -3   -4   4*  4*
Still search-in' for peace of mind.

You know it takes a long, long time
You know it takes a long, long time
When first you gave and shared your soul
Showed her all the things 
that take their toll
She knows your weak spot
But, still she gets you hot
And, so you do it again
Reveal what lies within
And go for peace of mind
Like when you treated her kind
It's hard to face that open space
You know it takes a long, long time
You know it takes a long, long time
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: A

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