Oh! Them Golden Slippers (tremolo)

Oh! Them Golden Slippers (tremolo)

Автор мелодии: James A Bland
This was tabbed for a 24 hole Echo Celeste tremolo.

5  -5  6   6   6 -5    5  -5
Oh, my golden slippers are a
 6   6  6   5   -5  6   6    6    -5  6   6
Laid away, cause I will not wear ‘em till my
 6  -5  -5   -4  5   -5   -5   -5   -4  5
Wedding day, and my long tail coat that I
 -5   -5  -5   -4  5   -5    -6   6  -5   
Loved so well,  I will wear that certain
 5     4     5  6  -5   5   4 
Morn.  Oh! Them golden slippers
-3   -5  -6  6   -5   5
Oh! Them golden slippers
-4 -4  -4   5  -5  -5   -5    -4
Golden slippers I  will wear, be-
 5     -4   5   -5  6     4    5
Cause they look so neat.  Oh! Them
-5 -5   5   4    -3  -5
Golden slippers, Oh! Them
-6  6  -5   5    -4 -4  -4   5
Golden slippers, golden slippers
-5    -5   -6   -6  6   -6  6  -5    5
 I   will wear, to walk the golden street.
Тип гармошки: Тремоло
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: G

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