Nights In White Satin

Nights In White Satin

Автор мелодии: The Moody Blues
-4   -3   3   -3 -3
Nights in white satin,
-4 -4  -4  -3   3  -3
Never reaching the end,
 6  -5   -5  -5   -4 3
Letters I've writ-ten-,
-3 -3  -3  3  3   2 
Never meaning to send.

-4 -3   3  -3 -3    -3
Beauty I'd always missed
 -4   -4   -4 -3  3 -3
With these eyes- before,
 6    -5   5   -5   -4 
Just what the truth is
-3  -3   -3  3 -3 3 2  
I- can't say any--more.

  2   3  -3  -3 
cause I love you,
 6   6 -5  6    6
Yes, I--- love you,
7 <-6   6   6 <-6  6 -5 -4
Oh---, how, I love you----

-4 -3  3  -3 -3
Gazing at people,
 -4   -3  3  -3
Some hand in hand,
 6    -5  -5  -5 -5  -4
Just what I'm going thru
 -3  -3  3 -3  3  2
They can understand.

 -4  -3  3   -3  -3
Some try to tell me
   -4     -4  -4 -3   3 -3
Thoughts they cannot defend,
 6    -5   5   -5  -5 -4
Just what you want to be
-3  -3 3  -3  3 2 
You be in the end,

  2   3  -3  -3 
cause I love you,
 6   6 -5  6    6
Yes, I--- love you,
7 <-6   6   6 <-6  6 -5
Oh---, how, I love you-
7 <-6   6  -5  6    6
Oh---, how, I love you
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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