My Only Love (chromatic)

My Only Love (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Statler Brothers
MY ONLY LOVE chromatic
By: Jimmy Fortune
The Statler Brothers
Key: D

-2* -3 -3  -2*   3   -2*  2 -1  -1 -2*
You and I were meant for one a-noth-er
3  -4  -5  -5  -5    6   -5 -55* -4 -3
To-day we join our hearts e-ter-nal-ly
-4   -5  -5  -5  6-5  -5  5*  -4 -4  -3
And this mo-ment I'll al-ways re-mem-ber
-4  -4    -4   -4   -4  -5  5*  -5 5*
All the words that mean so much to me
-3    -4   5* -5 5*  -4  4* 4* -4  -3
And you're my on-ly love my on-ly love
-2* 3  -3    -4  -1   -4 -3  -4
And I just thank the Lord a-bove 
-3   3  -2*   2
for you each day
-3  -4  5*   -5   5* -4 -3  3
I can't be-lieve the way I feel  
  4*   4*  4*  -4   -3    3  -2*
you're so spec-ial you're so real
-2* -3  -4   -3   -4  -5  4* -3 -4 5*  -5
And I know you'll al-ways be my on-ly love
-2* -3    -3 -2*  3 -2*   2   -1  -1  -2*
Lis-ten close-ly to the words I'm say-ing
3  -4   -5  -5  -5   6   -55*-4 -3
I know I've nev-er meant  them more
-4   -5   -5  6  -5  5*   -4   -4  -3 
For your love on-ly I've been pray-ing
-4  -4 -4 -4   -4   -5   5*  -5  5*
You and I are what this love is for
-3    -4   5* -5 5*  -4  4* 4* -4  -3
And you're my on-ly love my on-ly love
-2* 3  -3    -4  -1   -4 -3  -4
And I just thank the Lord a-bove 
-3   3  -2*   2
for you each day
-3  -4  5*   -5   5* -4 -3  3
I can't be-lieve the way I feel  
  4*   4*  4*  -4   -3    3  -2*
you're so spec-ial you're so real
-2* -3  -4   -3   -4  -5  4* -3 -4 5*  -5
And I know you'll al-ways be my on-ly love
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: D

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