Moonlight Shadow (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

Moonlight Shadow (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Mike Oldfield
All the credits go to the guy that posted diatonic tab, I've just
converted it and fixed few minor errors.

-7  -8   +8  +8  +8 -9 +8 -8  -7 -7 
The last that she ever saw him 
-8   -8  +8  -9 +8 -9 
carried away by a 
+10  +10  -9  +7 
moonlight shadow. 
+7  +8  +8  +8  -9   +8  -8  -7  -7 
He passed on worried and warning 
-8   -8  +8  -9 +8 -9 
carried away by a 
+10  +10  -9   +7 
moon-light shadow. 

+10  +10  +11 -10  +10  -9 -9 -9 +10 -9    
Lost in a river last saturday night 
+10 -9  +8  +8 -7  -9  +10  -9  
far away on the other side. 
+8   -9  +10  +10  +11  -10  +10  -9 
He was caught in the middle of 
+8  -9  -9   +10  -9 
a desperate fight. 
+8   -9   +10  +10   -9 
And she couldn't find 
+8   -8  -7   -9 
how to push through. 

+10  -9 
I stay. 
+10  -9 
I pray. 
+8 -9   +10  +11  -10   +10 
I see you in heaven  
+10 +10 -9 
far away. 

-7  -8  +8  +8  +8 -9  +8 -8  -7 -7 
The last that she ever saw him 
-8 -8  +8  -9 +8 -9 
carried away by a 
+10   +10  -9   +7 
moonlight shadow. 
+8  +8   +8  -9  +8   -8  -7  -7 
He passed on worried and warning 
-8 -8  +8  -9  +8 -9 
carried a-way by a 
+10  +10  -9  +7 
moonlight shadow.
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: C

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