

Автор мелодии: Ray Charles
W: Benny Davis
M: J. Russell Robinson
Ray Charles
Key: F

4   4   4   4  -3
My lit-tle Mar-gie,
 4  -4  4    -5    4  -3  3  -2  -1
I’m al-ways think-ing of you Mar-gie
 -2   2   -2   -3* -2  3    3*
I’ll tell the world I love you
 -3    4  -4    4   -5   4  -3 -2*
Don’t for-get your prom-ise to me
3  -5    5*  -5  6   -5   -3*
I have bought a home and ring
 3  -5  4   -4   -3*  4  -3
And ev-‘ry-thing for Mar-gie
  4     -4  4  -5  4  -3  3
You’ve been my in-spir-a-tion
 -2  -3* -2  3   -3
Days are nev-er blue
-3 -3*  4  -5   5  -5   4
Af-ter all is said and done
 -3   -3*  4  -5  5 -5  6
There is real-ly on-ly one
-5  -3* -3* -3* -3   3   -2 
Oh! Mar-gie Mar-gie it’s you
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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