Little Darln’ (chromatic)

Little Darln’ (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Diamonds
By: Maurice Williams
The Diamonds
Key: C 

 2  -2   3   3    2   2   3  -3  -3
Lit-tle Dar-lin’  My Lit-tle Dar-lin’    
2-3   -3  -2-3 -4 
Oh, where are you?     
2-2  3  2  3   -3   -3 -3  -2 -2-3 -4
My love I was wrong to try to love two     
  2  -2   3     2  3   -3  2-3  -3  -2-3 -4 
Know-ing well that my love was just for you 
67 6-5 6-55
On-ly  you  


(Spoken) over chorus

My darling I need you to call my own 
And never do wrong, and to hold 
in mine your little hand 
I`ll know too soon that I`ll love again 
Please hold my hand
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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