Leader Of The Pack (chromatic)

Leader Of The Pack (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Shangri-Las
By: George Morton, Jeff Barry,
    Ellie Greenwich
The Shangri-Las
Key: C

5 5 -5 -6 6 -5 5 -5 6
5 5 -5 -6 6 -5 5 -5 -5

Is she really going out with him?
There she is, let’s ask her.
Betty, is that Jimmy’s ring you’re wearing?
Uh hum.  
Gee, it must be great riding with him
Is he picking you up after school today?
Un un.
By the way, where did you meet him?

-3 -3 -3  -3 -3  -3* -3 -3*-3  
I met him at the can-dy store 
-3   3    3   3    2    3    3  3
He turned a-round and smiled at me 
 2   3   2   3   -4
you get the pic-ture? 
 2  -4  3
Yes we see 
  -1    -1  2  -2   3
That’s when I fell for 
-1    2  -1 1  -1    1
The lead-er of the pack 

1    1    -1  -2  2   -1    1  -1   2……
My folks were al-ways put-ting him down. 
  1    1  -1  -2   -2   2    -1    1  -1  -1
They said he came from the wrong side of town 

-3   -3    -3  -3  -3*  -3  -3*-3
In school they all stop and stare
2   3    3    2    3     2 -3   3   -2 2
I can’t hide the tears, but I don’t care
 -1  -1  -1  2  -2   3
I’ll nev-er for-get him,
-1    2  -1 1  -1    1
The lead-er of the pack.

 -3   -3  -3 -3* -3 -3*-3
They told me he was  bad 
 2  3   3  -3  3  -22
But I know he was sad
  -1   -1  2  -2   3
That’s why I fell for 
-1    2  -1 1  -1    1
The lead-er of the pack 

 1   1  -1 -2    2   -1    1  -1   2
One day my dad said find some-one new 
1  1  -1  -2 -22 -1  1   -1     -1
I had to tell my Jim-my we're through 

-3   -3    -3  -3  -3*  -3  -3*-3
In school they all stop and stare
2   3    3    2    3     2 -3   3   -2 2
I can’t hide the tears, but I don’t care
 -1  -1  -1  2  -2   3
I’ll nev-er for-get him,
-1    2  -1 1  -1    1
The lead-er of the pack.

-3   -3    -3  -3   -3*  -3 -3*-3
He stood there and asked me  why
 2   3  3   3   -3  3  -22
But all I could do was cry.
-1  -1  -1 2  -2   3
I'm sor-ry I hurt you 
-1    2  -1  1 -1   1
The lead-er of the pack
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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