

Автор мелодии: Marty Robbins
Слова: Anne Caldwell
Музыка: Jerome Kern

 3    3    -3   -3   4  -3 -3 3
When it’s moon-light in Ka-lu-a
  2    3    2   -1 2   1
Night like this is di-vine
3   3   -3   -3   4  -3 -3 3
It was moon-light in Ka-lu-a
 2    3    2   -1  2   1
When your kiss-es met mine
2    2     2   -2*  3* -3   -4    4   -3  -3
Al-though the rose and jas-mine bloom as fair
-1   -1  -1  2   -2*
And love is call-ing 
   3    -3   -4   3   3   -3  -2  -2 
through the scent-ed air, ev-‘ry-where
3  3   -3  -3 4  -3 -3 3
it is lone-ly in Ka-lu-a
2    3    2  -1   2    1
Be-cause you are not there

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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