In A Little Spanish Town (chromatic)

In A Little Spanish Town (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Glenn Miller , Tommy Dorsey, Lester Young
(‘Twas On A Night Like This)
W: Sam Lewis & Joe Young
M: Mabel Wayne
Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Lester Young
Key: G

-4 -1 3  -4   -3   3   -4
In a lit-tle Span-ish town, 
  -1  3 -4  -3     3   -3
'twas on a night like this. 
 -3    -1  -2* -3  3  -2*  -3
Stars were peek-a-boo-ing down, 
  -1 -2* -3  3   -2*   3
'twas on a night like this. 
-1  2   3     -2*  2   -1 4
I whis-pered, "Be true to me." 
-4  -3    4      -5  -4
and she sighed, "Si, si." 
-4 -1   3    -4    -3   3   -4
Man-y skies have turned to gray 
-1   3    -4   -3  3  -3
Be-cause we're far a-part, 
 4 -1* -2*   4     -4  -3  4
Man-y moons have passed a-way 
-1*  -2*    4   -4 -3  -4
and still she's in my heart. 
2   3* -4  -5   4
We made a prom-ise 
-4    -4   -3  3  -2*  2
and sealed it with a kiss. 
-4 -1 3  -4   -3   3   -3
In a lit-tle Span-ish town, 
  -1 -2* -3  3    -2*  3
'twas on a night like this.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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