I’ll Walk Alone (chromatic)

I’ll Walk Alone (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Marty Robbins, Dinah Shore, Ricky Nelson
W: Sammy Cahn
M: Jule Styne
Marty Robbins, Dinah Shore, Ricky Nelson
Key: G

-4   5   5* -5  -4   5
I'll walk a-lone be-cause,  
5*  -5   7  -7   -8
to tell you the truth 
 8   -8  -7  -5
I'll be lone-ly 
-9  9*   -9  10 -9   9*  -7
I don't mind be-ing lone-ly 
 8   -8   8    -9   8  -8   7   -7  -8  -7
When my heart tells me you are lone-ly, too 
 -4   5   5* -5    -4     5  5* -5
I'll walk a-lone they'll ask me why  
 7   -7   -8   8    -8  -7  -5 
and I'll tell them I'd rath-er 
 -9    9*   -9  10  -9   8   -7
There are dreams I must gath-er 
   8   -8  8    -9
Dreams we fash-ioned  
 8   -8    7   -7  -8  -7
the night you held me tight 
 7   -7  7   -8  -7  -7
I'll al-ways be near you  
 7   -7 7  -8  -7   -8   -7
wher-ev-er you are each night 
6  7   -8   -9
In ev’-ry prayer 
-8  8*  -8   -9   8*   8*
If you call I'll hear you, 
-8  8* -8  -9   9*
no mat-ter how far 
 -9    9*   -9   -8   8   -8  8   -7
Just close your eyes and I'll be there 
  -4    5   5* -5  -4   5    5*   -5
Please walk a-lone and send your love  
 7   -7   -8  8  -8  -7   -5
and your kiss-es to guide me 
 -9    9*    -9  10  -9  9   -7
Till you're walk-ing be-side me,  
 -8   -8 -6*  7    -8   -8 -6*  7
I'll walk a-lone, I’ll walk a-lone.
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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