I Should Care

I Should Care

Автор мелодии: Diana Krall
By: Sammy Cahn, Alex Stordahl, Paul Weston
Diana Krall, Gerald Wilson
Key: C

4   -4    -4
I should care
-3  -4   4 -4  -3    -4  -4
I should go a-round weep-ing
-3* -3    -3
I should care
2   -2   3   -1   2   -2   -2
I should go with-out sleep-ing
   2    -2 2  -2   2   2    2
Strange-ly e-nough I sleep well
  2   -2  2   3   -2  2
‘cept for a dream or two
-1   2  -1  -2   2    1    1
But then I count my sheep well
-1  2   1   -1    2   -3  -4  3   -3
Fun-ny how sheep can lull you to sleep

-4  4    -4    -4
So, I, should care
-3  -4    4  -4 -3 -4  -4
I should let it up-set me
-3* -3    -3
I should care
 2  -2   3   -1   2  -2  -2
But it just does-n't get me
 2  -2 2  -2    2  
May-be I won’t find
 3   -2  2   -4  3* -3 -5
Some-one as love-ly as you
 5*  5   -3    -4  -3 -4  4
But, I should care and I do
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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