I Love New York — HARMONICA.RU

I Love New York

Автор мелодии: Madonna
I LOVE NEW YORK                   MADONNA


5   5     4   4  -3b
I don't like ci-ties

 4 -3b  4   4    5
But I like New York

 5   4   4  -3b  4 -3b  4     4  4   4
Oth-er plac-es make me feel like a dork

 5   5  4   4 -3b 4   4  -3b  4    4
Los An-gel-es is for peo-ple who sleep

 5   5  4   4  -3b  
Par-is and Lon-don 

 4 -3b 4   4   4
ba-by you can keep (Repeat 8 times)


 -6 -5 -5  -5  -5  -5   -7  -5 -5b
Oth-er ci-ties al-ways make me mad

 -6 -5 -5  -5  -5  -5   -7  -5 -5b
Oth-er plac-es al-ways make me sad

 7  -6 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5  -7  -5  -5b
No oth-er ci-ty ev-er made me glad 

-5  -5  -5b  -5
ex-cept New York 

4   5   -5  -5
I love New York [X3]

Verse 2 same as 1
If you don't like my attitude
Then you can F off
Just go to Texas
Isn't that where they golf
New York is not for 
little pussies who scream
If you can't stand the heat
Then get off my street [repeat]


4   5   -5  -5
I love New York (repeat)

 4   5   4    4
Get off my street (repeat
Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: A

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