I Love A Sunburnt Country

I Love A Sunburnt Country

Автор мелодии: Dorothea Mackellar
5   3  4  5    4     5  -4
I love a sun-burnt coun-try,
-4  3  -3  -4   -5    5
A land of swee-ping plains,
 3   3   4    5   4   5  -4
Of ragg-ed mount-ain ran-ges,
-4     3    -3    -4   5    4
Of droughts and flood-ing rains,
6 -6  -6  -6  -6 -6  6
I see her far hor-i-zons,
5  -5  -5   -5 6   5
I love her jew-el sea,
 3    3  4   5   4   5  -4    
Her beau-ty and her ter-ror,
-4   3    -3    -4   5  4
The wide brown land for me.

Words by Dorothea Mackellar 1885-1968
Written in 1904

Email noelbrooks@hotmail.com
Жанр: Патриотизм
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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