I Got Stung

I Got Stung

Автор мелодии: Elvis Presley
By: Aaron Schroeder & David Hill
Elvis Presley
Key: Eb

-9*-9* -7*  -7*  9   -9* -9* -7*
Ho-ly smoke  A land sakes a-live!
-7* 9 -7*  -9*    -9*   9   -7* -5* -5 -5*
I nev-er thought this could hap-pen to me
-3*5-5* -5* -3*5-5* -5*
Mm,    yeah!   Mm, yeah!

-3* 5  -5* -5*-5* -5*  -6 -5*  7 
I got stung by a sweet hon-ey bee
-5*  -6 -5*  7   7   -5* 5  5 -5*
Oh, what a feel-ing come ov-er me
-6-5* -6* -5*-6  5 -5*
It  start-ed in my eyes
  -6 -6* -5*-6  -5*
Crept up to my head
-5*-9* -9*-9* -9*-5*
F- lew to my  heart
 5  -5*-5*  -5*    7
Till I was stung dead
 7  -7*  -7* 7* 5 -5   -5* 
I'm done, uh-uh I got stung!
-3*4-5*-5* -3*5-5*-5*
Mm, yeah!   Mm, yeah!

-3*  5  -5* -5* -5* -5* -6 -5*  7
She had all that I want-ed and more
-6   -5*   7   7  7   -5*  5  -5*
And I've seen hon-ey bees be-fore
  -6 -5*  -6* -5* -6  5 -5*
Start-ed buzz-in' in my ear
 -6* -5* -6  5  -5*
Buzz-in' in my brain
-5*  -9*  -9* -9*-5*
Got stung all ov-er
 5  5 -5* -5*  7 
But I feel no pain
 7*  -7* -7* 7*  5 -5   -5*
I'm done, uh-uh  I got stung!

-5*   7*     7*   7*  7*  -7* -7*
Now, don't think I'm com-plain-in'
 7   -7* -7* -3* 4  -5 -5* 
I'm might-y pleased we met
   -5* -5* -6  -6   7   7*  7*  7*  7*
'Cause you gim-me just one lit-tle peck
7*  7*  7*  7* 7*  7*
On the back of my neck
7* -7* -7*  -7* 8 -7* -10  -9   -7*
And I break out in a cold cold sweat
8 -7*-5* -5*-5*-5*  -6  -5*  7
If I live to a hun-dred and two
-5* -6  -5* 7   7  7  -5* -5*  5  -5*
I won't let no-bod-y sting me but you
 -6  -5* -6* -5*   -6     5   -5*
I'll be buzz-in' 'round your hive
-6 -5* -6* -6  -5*
Ev-‘ry day at five
-5* -5* -9* -9*-9* -9* -9*   5  -5*-5*  7
And I'm nev-er gon-na leave once I ar-rive
   7    7*  -7*  -7*7*  5 -5   -5*
'Cause I'm done  Uh-uh, I got stung!
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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