I Forgot More Than U Will Ever Know Ab..

I Forgot More Than U Will Ever Know Ab..

Автор мелодии: Davis sisters
I Forgot More Than You Will Ever Know About Him

Davis Sisters


8  7  -8   7   -6  
I for-got more than 

 6     -9  9   8  -7 -8  7
you'll ev-er know a-bout him.

 6   -6   -7    7  
You think you know 

 6    6   -6  7   -7
the smile on his lips,

 6    6    -6  7   -7   
The thrill at the touch 

-6 -6   6   -5  -6
of his fin-ger-tips,

-8  8  7  -8   7   
But I for-got more 

 -6    6    -9 -9   8  -7 -8  7
than you'll ev-er know a-bout him

 6   -6    -7     7  -6  6  -6  7   -7
You think you'll find a hea-ven of bliss

6   -6   7  -7    -9   9  -8    8
In each car-ess, each ten-der kiss

7   8  7   -8   7    
But I for-got more 

 -6    6    -9  9   8  -7 -8   7
than you'll ev-er know a-bout him

 7   -9    8   -9   8   -9  9   8
You stole his love from me one day.

 8   8  -8    8   8  -8  -9   8
You did-n't care how you hurt me.

 7  -8   -8  -8 -8   8   8  -8
But you can nev-er steal a-way

-7   -8  -9  -10  -9  -8 -7
Mem'ries of what used to be.

 6   -6   -7     7   -6   6   -6  7  -7
You think he's yours to have and to hold

 6   -6   -7      7    -9  -9    9   -8    8
Some-day you'll learn when his love grows cold

8  7   8   7    -6    6    -9 -9   8  -7 -8   7
I for-got more than you'll ev-er know a-bout him

Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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