I Didn’t Know What Time It Was

I Didn’t Know What Time It Was

Автор мелодии: Ella Fitzgerald
By Rogers & Hart
Ella Fitzgerald
Key: G

-4-2*  3   -3   -3   -3  -4  3
I did-n't know what time it was
-4  -2* 3  -3
Then I met you.
-3   2  -2*  3   3  3   -3 -2*
Oh, what a love-ly time it was,
2    2   2  -2* -1   4
How sub-lime it was too!

-4-2*  3   -3   -3  -3  -4  3
I did-n't know what day it was
-4   -2* 3   -3
You held my hand.
-3    2   -2*   3   3   3  -3 -2*
Warm like the month of May it was,
2     2   2 -2*  -1   -5
And I'll say it was grand.

6     -5 5 -4  -3   3 -2*   3
Grand to be a-live, to be young,
3 -2* -3   -3-2*  3    3*  3
To be mad, to be yours a-lone!
6     -5  5   -4   -3    -3   -2*   -3
Grand to see your face, feel your touch,
-3   -2*   -3   -3  -2*  -3  3   -5
Hear your voice say I'm all your own.

-4-2*  3   -3   -3   -3  -4  3
I did-n't know what year it was
-4   -2*  3  -3
Life was no prize.
-3  2 -2*  3    3   3   -3 -2*   
I want-ed love and here it was
2     2   2 -2*  -1   -5
Shin-ing out of your eyes.
5    -4
I'm wise,
-2* 3  -3   -3   -3  -4  3  3
And I know what time it is now.

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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