I Cover The Waterfront (chromatic)

I Cover The Waterfront (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Billie Holiday
W: Edward Heyman
M: John Green
Billie Holiday
Key: G

-4 -3 3  -3  -4  -4  -4  
I cov-er the wat-er-front 
-5   -5   -4   3  -2*
I'm watch-ing the sea 
 2   -2*  3  3  3
Will the one I love 
-3 -4  -4   -4  -3 -5
Be com-ing back to me 

-4 -3 3  -3  -4  -4  -4
I cov-er the wat-er-front 
-5   -5   -4  3  -2*
In search of my love  
 2  -2*  3   3
And I'm cov-ered 
3 -3  -4   -4  -4 -3  3
By a star-less sky a-bove 

 -5  -5 -5 -1  -1  -1*  2    2
Here am I  pa-tient-ly wait-ing 
-5  -5  -5   -5  -5
Hop-ing and long-ing 
-1 -1 -1*  2      6    6   6 
Oh how I yearn  Where are you 
 2   2  -2  -2*  -2*
Are you for-get-ting 
6   6  6   5*  5*
Do you re-mem-ber 
 5    5  5   -3
Will you re-turn 
-4 -3 3  -3  -4  -4  -4
I cov-er the wat-er-front 
-5   -5   -4   3  -2*
I’m watch-ing the sea 
 2  -2*  3  3  3
For the one I love 
 -3   -4   -4   -4  -3  3
Must soon come back to me
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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