I Am Free

I Am Free

Автор мелодии: Mariah Carey
I AM FREE                    MARIAH CAREY


  5  -4 4  -4  5  4   5
Once I was a pri-son-er 

  5 -5b   5  -3  -4
Lost in-side my-self 

  4   4    -4   4    4    -5  5
With the world sur-round-ing me 

 -5 -6b  -6    -7    7  -6  7 -7
Wan-der-ing through the mi-ser-y 

 -4  5 -4  5   5
But now I am free 

Verse 2 same as 1
You gave me a breath of life 
Unclouded my eyes 
With sweet serenity 
Lighting a ray of hope for me... 
And now I am free... 


 -8  -9   8   -7   8   -7
Free to live Free to laugh 

  7   8  -7   -7   7   7
Free to soar Free to shine 

  9 -10  -9    5  -5  -6
Free to give Free to love 

 -4  5   -4  -4 -6b
Free e-nough to fly 


 -8 -7  7  -9  -8 7  -5
Once I was so all a-lone 

 8   -8  8  7   8
Un-stead-y and cold 

 9    8   8     7      8  -5  8 -7
But your love rained down up-on me 

  8   -7 -6 -6  6  7    8  -7
Wash-ing a-way un-cer-tain-ty 

 4   4  -4 -5 -5  -7  7  -7   7    7
But now I now oh now I'm now I'm free

Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: A

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