Hooray For Love

Hooray For Love

Автор мелодии: Benny Goodman
W: Leo Robin
M: Harold Arlen
Benny Goodman
Key: Eb

-5*    -5*  -6   7  -5*  7*
Love, love, hoo-ray for love
 7 -6* 7 -6*  7  -5* -6  5   -5
Who is ev-er too bla-se for love
-5*   -5* -6  7   -5*  -7*
Make this a night for love
7* 7   7*  7    7*     7    -6   -6   -5*
If we have to fight, let's fight for love

 8*   8*   8   8*  8   -7*
Some sigh and cry for love
7    7* -7* 8 -7*  -9*  7*  7   -6
Ah, but in Pa-ree they die for love
 -5*  -5* -6  7  -5*  7*
Some waste a-way for love
 7   -6*  7    -5* -6  -6  -5*
Just the same, hoo-ray for love!
-3*  -3*  7*  7  -6 -5*  -6
It's the won-der of the world, 
-7*-7*  11* 11 -10 -9*  -10
Or the blun-der of the world
-3* -3* 7   -6 -5* -5  -5*
it's a rock-et to the moon
-7* -7* 11  -10  -9*  -9 -9* 
with a touch of Clair de Lune
9   -7* -9*  -9   9   -7* -9* -9
It gets you high, it gets you low, 
 9   -7* -9*  9   -9   -9* -7*
but once you get that glow  oh

-5*   -5*  -6   7  -5*  7*
some trust to fate for love
 7  -6*  7  -6*  7   -5*  -6     5   -5
Oth-ers have to take off weight for love
-5*  -5*-6  7   -5*  -7*
some go be-serk for love
 7*   7  7* 7  7* 7   -6  -6   -5*
loaf-ers ev-en go to work for love
 8*   8*   8    8*    8   -7*
sad songs are sobbed for love
 7   7* -7*    8   -7*-9*  7*     7   -6
peo-ple have their nos-es bobbed for love
-5*  -5* -6  7  -5*  7*
some say we pay for love
 7   -6*  7    -5* -6  -6  -5*
Just the same, hoo-ray for love!
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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