Home among the gum trees

Home among the gum trees

Автор мелодии: John Williamson
-7   -8  -8  -8  -7   8   8 8  7   -6   -7  
I've been around the World a dozen times or 
-6 6   5
maybe more

 -6   -6   -6   -6   -7  -8   7  -6   -4  6 -4  
I've seen the sights and had delights on ev'ry 
 6  -7   -8
foreign shore

-7   -8  -8   -8    -7   8  8  8  -7   -6     
But when my friends all ask of me the place 
-7  -6  6 5
that I adore

-7  -6   -8   -4   -6 6
I  tell them right a-way

 6   6  -6 -7  -6 -7  6   -6  -4    -7   -7  6  
Give me a home among the gum trees with lots of
 -6    -4
plumb trees

-6  6   6   6    5 -4 -4 -4
A sheep or two,  a kangaroo

5   -4   -4   -4   5   6   -7 -6 -7  -6   6 
A clothesline out the back, verandah out the 

-6  -6  -6  -7 -7    6
And an old rocking chair
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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