
Автор мелодии: Andrea Bocelli, Frank Sinatra
Слова: Dorothy Dodd
Музыка: Agustin Lara
Key: Am
Тайминги: 4/4, 3/4

 2  -3  3   2   1   -1  2   3   -2    2
Gra-na-da, I'm fall-ing un-der your spell,
 2  2  -3   -3    -4
And if you could speak, 
 -4 -4  3  3  3   3    -3  -3   -3    2
what a fas-ci-na-ting tale you would tell.
2  3* -4  -4   -4   -4   4   -5  5-5 5-4
Of an age the world has long for-got-ten.
2  3* -4   -4   -4   -4 4   4   4   4
Of an age that weaves a si-lent ma-gic 

4   4  -6 5  -3  6...
in Gra-na-da to-day. 

 2   3   3   3  -3    -3   -3  -4
The dawn in the sky greets the day 
 -4 -4   5  -5  -4 -3-4-33
with a sigh for Gra-na- da,
-1   3   3  3  -3  -3  -3    -4  -4
For she can re-mem-ber the splen-dor 
 -4   5   -5  -4 5-55-4-3
that once was Gra-na-da.
2    3    3  3   -3   -3 -3   -4
It still can be found in the hills 
-4 -4   4   -5 5  6  -5  5  -4
all a-round as I wan-der a-long.
-4   -4   -2*  3   -3  -4 -5 5-55 -4
En-tranc’d by the beau-ty be-fore me,
-4   -4    4 -4  -4   -2* 3  -3   -2*  
En-tranc’d by a land full of sun-shine 
 3   2   -1*  2   3
and flow-ers and song. 

 2   3    3  3   -3  -3  -3  -4
And when day is done and the sun 
  -4   -4  4  -5 -4 -3-4-3 3
starts to set in Gra -na- da,
-1 3  3  3   -3   -3 -3   -4   -4
I en-vy the blush of the snow-clad 
-4 4  -5 -4 5-55-4-3
Si-er-ra Ne- va-  da.
 3   4   4   4   -3*  -3* -3*  -3
For soon it will wel-come the stars 
 -3  -3  3*    3*  3*  3
while a thous-and gui-tars,
 3   3  -2  -2 -2 2-23 3
Play a soft ha-ba- ne- ra.
 3   4    4   4  -5 5   -5   6  -5  5
The moon-lit Gra-na-da will live a-gain 
-4  -5  4  -3 -4  -3   3
the glo-ry of yes-ter-day,
3  -3   3  -3   4
Ro-man-tic and gay.

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Латинские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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