Автор мелодии: Ella Fitzgerald, Dave Brubeck, Art Tatum
By: Herb Magidson & Allie Wrubel
Ella Fitzgerald, Dave Brubeck, Art Tatum
Key: Eb
4 -3* -3* 3
Gone With the Wind
4 4 4 -3* -3* -3* -3* -3* 3
Just like a leaf that has blown a-way
3 -2* -3 2
Gone with the wind
3 -2* 3 -3 -5 -5 -5
My ro-mance has flown a-way
-5 -5 -5 -5 -5* 5 -5* 5 -5* -5
Yes-ter-day's kiss-es are still on my lips,
-3*-3*-3* -3* 4 4* 4 -3*
I had a life-time of heav-en
3* -5* 5 3* -2
at my fin-ger-tips.
-3* 4 -3* -3* 3
But now all is gone.
4 4 4 -3* -3* -3* -3* -3* 3
Gone is the rap-ture that thrilled my heart
3 -2* -3 2
Gone with the Wind
3 -2* 3 -3 -5 -5 -5
The glad-ness that filled my heart
-6 5 5 -5*
Just like a flame
-5 5 -3* 3* 3 -2 4
Love burned bright-ly, then be-came
3 -3* 3* -5* 5 3* 5 3
An emp-ty smoke dream that has gone,
-3* -3* -3* -3*
Gone with the Wind.