God Speed the Right

God Speed the Right

Автор мелодии: William E. HIckson
6    6  7 6    6  5      5 6 5      4  -4   -4  
now to heaven or prayer ascending, God speed the 
  5    6  6 7   6   5    5  6    5    4   -4     
right; In a no-ble caus con-tend-ing, God speed
 -4    5     
the right.
7  -7   -6  6    -6    6 -5  5   
be our zeal in heav'n re-cord-ed, 
-4    -4  -4  -4    6   -5  5    -4   7    -8
With suc-cess on earth re- ward-ed. God speed   
-8    8      4   -4   -4  5 
the right. God speed the right.

ok it might not be the best because i have only been playing for a
little bit but i thought it was really close if you have any
suggestions to make it better just mail me and i can change it
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: C

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