Автор мелодии: The Seekers
W: Jim Dale
M: Tom Springfield
The Seekers
From: Georgy Girl
Key: Eb
-5* -7* 8 -7* -7*
Hey There! Geor-gy girl
-5* -6 7 7* 7 -5* -6 -3* -3*
Swing-ing down the street so fan-cy free
-5* -6 7 7* 7 -5* 8 -7* 7*
No-bod-y you meet, could ev-er see
7 7 -6 -5* -6
The lone-li-ness there
-7* -7* 8
In-side you
-5* -7* 8 -7* -7*
Hey There ! Geor-gy girl
-5* -6 7 7* 7 -5* -6 -3* -3*
Why do all the boys just pass you by?
-5* -6 7 7* 7 -5* 8
Could it be you just don't try
8 8* 8 7* -7* -7* -7*
Or is it the clothes you wear?
8 -9 -9* -9 -7* 7 7*
You're al-ways win-dow shop-ping
-7* 8 -7* 8 -5* -6 7
But nev-er stop-ping to buy
7 -7 -8 8 7 -7 -7* 8 -9
So shed those dow-dy feath-ers and fly
8 -7* 8 -7*
A lit-tle bit
-5* -7* 8 -7* -7*
Hey There ! Geor-gy girl
-5* -6 7 7* 7 -5* -6 -3* -3*
There's an-oth-er Geor-gy deep in-side
-5* -6 7 7* 7 -5* 8
Bring out all the love you hide
8 -9 9 -9 -9 -9* -9*
And oh, what a change there'd be
-9 -9 -9* -9*
The world would see.....
-9*-10 -9* -9 -9*
A new Geor-gy girl!