Friends (chromatic)

Friends (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Led Zeppelin
By: Jimmy Page & Robert Plant
Led Zeppelin
Key: C

  -4     -4  -3* -4    4   -2
Bright light al-most blind-ing 
 -3*   -4     4     -4   3   -2*
Black night still there shin-ing 
-3* -4   -4   4   4    4   -4
I can't stop keep on climb-ing 
 -2* -2* -2*  3   3   2
Look-ing for what I knew. 
-4 -4   -4   -4   -4   4  -2*
Had a friend she once told me 
 -3* -4 -3* -4   4   -4    3  -2* 
"You got a love you ain't lone-ly " 
-4   -2*   -4  -4   4   -4 3 -2*
Now she's gone and left me on-ly 
 1*   1*  1*  1*  1*  2
Look-ing for what I knew. 

 4   4   4    4   6   4
Mmm I'm tell-ing you now 
-4    4   -4    4   -4  4  -4  4  6   4
The great-est thing you ev-er can do now 
-4   4  -4   4    -4   4   -4    4    6    4
Is trade a smile with some-one who's blue now 
 2   -2  2  1  1   1
It's ver-y eas-y just. 

-4 -4 -4  -4 -3*  -3*  -4   4  -2
Met a man on the road-side cry-ing, 
-3*  -3*-3*  -4      -4    4  -4 3  -2*
With-out a friend, there's no de-ny-ing, 
  -3*  -4 -4    -4     -4    4  4   4   -4
You're in-com-plete, they'll be no find-ing 
 -2* -2* -2*  -2*  3   2
Look-ing for what you knew. 
-4 -4-4  -4   -4  -4 -4   4   -2*
So an-y-time some-bod-y needs you, 
 -3*  -4   -3*  -4   4  -4    3    3    -2*   
Don't let them down, al-tho' it grieves you, 
 -4  -4   -2*    -4   -4   4   -4    3  -2*
Some day you'll need some-one like they do, 
 1*   1*  1*  1*   1*  2
Look-ing for what you knew. 

4   4   4    4   6   4
Mmm I'm tell-ing you now 
-4    4   -4    4   -4  4  -4  4  6   4
The great-est thing you ev-er can do now 
-4   4  -4   4    -4   4   -4    4    6    4
Is trade a smile with some-one who's blue now 
 2   -2  2  1  1   1
It's ver-y eas-y just.
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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