Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue (chromatic) — HARMONICA.RU

Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Milla Jovovich, Dean Martin
By: Ray Henderson
Milla Jovovich, Dean Martin
Key: C

 2    3    2    2   3*  2
Five foot two, eyes of blue,  
 2  2   -3    2    -3   2    -3   2
but oh what those five foot could do 
-3  4 -3  4 -3  3   -3  2  3 3 3-3 3
has an-y-bod-y seen my girl ? 
  2    3   2      2     3*   2
Turned up nose, turned down hose, 
 2   -3   2  -3   2  -3   2
flap-per yes sir one of those
-3  4 -3  4 -3  3   2    1
has an-y-bod-y seen my girl ? 

 2  -1* 2  -4  4  -4
Now if you run in-to 
2  -4   4   -4  -4   -3   -4  -3
a five foot two cov-ered with fur 
-3   -4   -3   -1  -3   -4     -3
dia-mond rings and all those things 
-4  -5    -4  3  -2  2  -1
bet-cha' life it is-n't her 
-1*   2    3   2      2    3*  2
but could she love, could she woo 
  2   -3     2   -3     2   -3   2
could she, could she, could she coo 
-3  4 -3  4 -3   3  -3  4  -33 -3 4
has an-y-bod-y seen my girl ? 

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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