Crazy Rhythm

Crazy Rhythm

Автор мелодии: Nellie McKay, Tony Bennett
W: Irving Caesar
M: Joseph Meyer & Roger Wolfe Kahn
Nellie McKay, Tony Bennett
Key: G

-3  -3  3   3    -2*   -2*  3    3
Cra-zy rhy-thm, here's the door-way
 -3  -3  3  3    -2*   -2*  3   3  
I'll go my way, you'll go your way
-3  -3  3   3    -2* -2* 3
Cra-zy rhy-thm, from now on
  -3     3
We're through.
 -3  -3   3   3  -2* -2*  3    3
Here is where we have a show-down
-3  -3   3    3    -2*   -2*  3   3  
I'm too high-hat, you're too low-down
-3  -3  3   3    -2*    -2*  3  -3  3
Cra-zy rhy-thm, here's good-bye to you!
 -3  -4   4    -5 -5  4    4
They say that when a high-brow 
 -4  -4  4   -5
meets a low-brow
 -5  4  -5  4    -4   -3
Walk-in' a-long Broad-way
 4    4   -4   -4   -3 -3  -4  4
Soon the high-brow  he has no brow
  4   -4 4  -4
Ain't it a shame?
-4    -3   -4  -3
And you're to blame
  -3   -3   3  3  -2* -2* 3   3 
What's the use of pro-hi-bi-tion?
-4  -4   -3  -3   3*   3* -3  -3
You pro-duce the same con-di-tion
 6  6  -5  -5    5*   5*  -5  -4  3
Cra-zy rhy-thm, I've gone cra-zy too

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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