Come on Ring Those Bells (cross harp)

Come on Ring Those Bells (cross harp)

Come On Ring Those Bells

 -8  -8   -8    -7   -8
Come on, ring those bells,

  7   -7    -6    6    5
Light the Christ-mas tree,

-6 -6  -6 -7   -8
Je-sus is the King

  6   6   6  -6  -7
born for you and me.

 -8  -8   -8   -7    -8
Come on, ring those bells,

 7  -7 -6  6  5
ev-'ry-bod-y say,

-6 -6   -6 -7 -8   7
Je-sus, we re-mem-ber

 -7   -6    -6   6
this Your birth-day.
Жанр: Праздничные

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