Come Away Melinda — HARMONICA.RU

Come Away Melinda

Автор мелодии: Uriah Heep
Originally written by Fred Hellerman and Fran Minkoff (The Weavers),
this song has been performed by Judy Collins (1964), Uriah Heep, Bobby
Gentry, Theodore Bikel, Harry Belafonte, UFO, Tim Rose, Barry St.
John, Kenny Rankin, Velvet Fogg, and The Big 3(with Mamma Cass). 
There are variations of lyrics and melody.  I tabbed the attached
Uriah Heep version.

-8 -7 -8 6 <-6 7 6
-7 7 -7 <-6

   Gliss from -5 to:
-8 -7 -8 6 <-6 7 6
<-5 -4 <-5 <-6 -7

    (Key of G):

 -4 -4   -4 -3   -3   3   -4
Dad-dy, Dad-dy, come and see

 3   3   -3 -3
See what I found

-3  -4 -4  4 -4  -3 -4 -3  3    -3
A  lit-tle ways   a- way  from here

3 -3    3  2   2  -1     2
While dig-ging in the ground

<-2  3 <-2 3  <-2 -1
Come a-way Me-lin-da

<-2  <-2  <-2   -3  -3   -3
Come in  and  close the door

<-2  -4  -4     
It's no-thing, 

-3  -4  -3 <-2   -1
just a  pic-ture book

 -1  <-2 <-2 2   -1  <-2  
They had be-fore the war

-4 -4   -4 -3   -3   <-2  -4
Dad-dy, Dad-dy, come and see

 -1 2   <-2 -1   2
Dad-dy come and look

-4     -4     -4  4   -4
Why, there's four or five

 -3 -3  -3  -3 3   -4
Lit-tle Me-lin-da girls

 3  3   -3  <-2  2   2
In-side my pic-ture book

<-2  3 <-2  3 <-2 -1
Come a-way Me-lin-da

 <-2 <-2  <-2  -3  -3   -3
Come in  and close the door

 -4    -4   -3  -4
There were lots of 
-3  -4   <-2   2   -1
lit-tle girls like you

<-2  3   3   <-2  2   <-2  3
Be-fore they had the    war

    (Changes to Key of Eb)

 4  4    4 <-3  <-3  3   4
Dad-dy, Dad-dy come and look

2    3  -3  -4  3  -3
Oh, Dad-dy  Hur-ry do

  3       4   4   4 4   4  <4   4
There's some-one in a pret-ty dress

 -2    3    <3  -2  -1  -1
She's all grown up like you

 -2   -1   -1  -1  -2
Won't you tell me why?

 <3  <2 3  <3  3  <-1
Come a-way Me-lin-da

<-1  2  <-1   3    3   3
Come in and close the door

<-5   -6  -6  -6 <-5   7 -6 7 -6 <-5
That some-one is your     mom-   mie

<-5  -6  7  7    7   7
You had be-fore the war

    (Changes back to Key of G)

 -4 -4  -4 -3    -3  3  -3 -4  -3
Dad-dy, Dad-dy, tell me if you can

 2   <-2    3    2  <-2  3  <-2   2
Why can't things be the way they were

3  <-2   2   2  -1  2
Be-bore the war be-gan?

 <-2 3 <-2  3  <-2 -1
Come a-way, Me-lin-da

<-2  <-2 <-2   -3  -3   -3 
Come in  and close the door

 -4 -4  -5   6   <-6
The an-swer lies in 

-7  -8   <-6 6 -5 <-6
yes-ter-     day

<-2  <-2   2   -1 <-2 <-2  
Be-fore  they had the war

An additional verse, (poorly placed, in my opinion) after the one
about "Mommie" is:

Daddy, Daddy, come and see
Such things I've never seen
Happy faces all around
And all the ground is green

Come away, Melinda
Come in and close the door
That's just the way it used to be 
Before they had the war
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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